Friday, April 22, 2016

Red State Titanic: No Lifeboats for You!

Red State Titanic: No Lifeboats for You!
state law

The United States is becoming more politically polarized. In fact, political affiliation has now become more divisive than race. This, along with the fact that winning elections has become more important than governance, is hurting the poor, the sick, and those who have fallen through any safety nets left in our society.

In fact, these people have become targets for the Right. Kansas' governor, Sam Brownback recently signed "The Hope Act," which bans welfare recipients from using government funds to take cruises (as if there are any people who have done that). Missouri Republicans would like to ban those on welfare from buying steak and seafood. And, in the ongoing war on the Affordable Care Act, Arizona just passed a law stating that it won't create its own state healthcare exchange if the Supreme Court decides that federal subsidies are illegal. That means hundreds of thousands of Arizonans will lose their subsidies and the state doesn't seem to care. Even though millions are benefiting from Obamacare, Arizona will simply turn its backside to its own citizens, all in the name of politics.

As Ezra Klein has written, the fight over "Obamacare" is making red states sicker and poorer. The poor are being stigmatized by the Right and, simultaneously, these same people strongly wave the American flag and proclaim "American Exceptionalism."

The irony is deafening and disheartening.

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Orignal From: Red State Titanic: No Lifeboats for You!

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