The seven colors that make up natural light also correspond to the energy of the seven main energy centers of Ayurvedic medicine or chakras.
In the overall life, we have realized that the body is a dynamic system:
• Important energy power and guide the body.
• Important energy sources include ancestral energy from parents and energy that our body converts from the air we breathe and the food we eat.
• We also receive energy from the environment of heaven [in the sense of the universe] and the so-called earth energy of the earth [from Latin & 39, meaning ' Earth].
• Energy is constantly changing and flowing in each of us, and it flows into and out of each of us.
Ayurveda also has energy points, called marma points, which are highly related to acupoints. The energy channel is called nadis.
Each chakra receives and emits energy, creating an energy distribution system not only in the body, but also between the body and the energy field. Each chakra has its own range of energy vibrations, corresponding to one of the seven colors of the rainbow. Energy blockage can also occur in the chakra.
It is possible to balance the chakras by providing them with a lack of energy.
The chakras number from one to seven, starting from the root chakra to the end of the crown chakra. Preferably, the chakras are simultaneously balanced, as determined by their symmetrical position relative to the center or heart [fourth] chakra.
The sum of paired or complementary chakras is always eight: 7 + 1, 6 + 2, and so on.
Each chakra correspondent records certain organs and some, one or two of the eight hormone glands. The health of organs and hormone glands depends on the energy quality and quantity of the corresponding chakras.
Healthy hormonal systems require a healthy chakra system, so light and oil are used to activate and balance their importance and utility.
The chakras penetrate the body in a funnel shape, extending a few inches beyond the skin level, into the layer of our energy field - the aura around the body. See the illustration on the right.
When our chakric energy centers are in equilibrium, it means that they have to transmit and receive too much or too little energy, and they are in equilibrium. This balance of energy centers helps create good mental, emotional, spiritual and even physical health, as each of these aspects affects all other aspects.
Each individual halo has its own combination of vibration, energy and color, not only for everyone, but also for changing, especially based on feelings of emotion.
The closer we are to or in harmony with nature, our energy fields and centers are consistent with the energy of the Earth, so we experience more balance and better health. Due to the challenges we face in the modern world today, we must find ways to ensure that our chakric system is in balance. Be sure to read our blog post tomorrow to learn about the various methods!
Orignal From: A balanced energy center contributes to vitality and beauty
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