Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How to create an motivating person for the audience's attention - Screenwriter

Learning how to create a character is a necessary condition for scriptwriting. One of the biggest and most common mistakes made by new screenwriters is the sacrifice of characters. This means they don't know how to create a character, and may prefer an overly complex drawing structure or a collection of loud explosions. They believe that if a movie is "artistic" or simply sets a bunch of very good moves in a row, then this will be enough to satisfy the audience and will reach a three-picture agreement with Sony.

This is the thing - it is not, not even a long shot. The reason we first go to the movies, and why we can review some movies over and over again rather than getting tired of them, is because we have fallen in love with the characters. That is to say, in your author's glimpse, the most important thing to understand here - knowing how to create a character means that you have flattened the most difficult part of the process.

In order for us to care, your protagonist must also care.

If you have ever attended a high school drama or creative writing class [you should learn a lot about how to create a character] or decide to be very, very brave and get a creative writing degree, then you can. I may have heard a teacher say that "the roots of all dramas are conflicts." While this information may be helpful, it does not help you better understand how to create a role.

I want you to know how to make a compelling character, we as an audience, really care about when we see your name on your name. As a screenwriter, I hope that you can take us on a journey. At the end of the trip, I feel that we really know the people we have seen in the past one and a half hours. Or two hours.

As a screenwriter, how can you learn to create compelling characters? It all goes back to your role. In order for the whole thing to work, we must be emotionally involved, not as a film character, but as a person. It sounds like a very high command, but when you start solving problems through a series of smaller steps, the mountains become more scalable. In this regard, let's take a deeper look at some of the ways in which you can better understand how to create compelling characters in your script, and then more compelling stories.

Orignal From: How to create an motivating person for the audience's attention - Screenwriter

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