Many credit card companies have become more active when trying to collect overdue accounts. These bad bad debts add up to the billions of dollars the company wants. Remember the credit card account you have been unable to pay for months? The chances that the account will be handed over to a law firm that collects bad debts is very high. In fact, many law firms treat these companies as customers for only one reason; this is because of the collection of arrears accounts.
Considering that the possibility of your card company being sued is now much larger than before, it is very disturbing, but it is even more disturbing to know that the basis of your lawsuit is flawed information, inaccurate and incomplete. . In an article recently written for the New York Times, The Times reporter Jessica Sill Greenberg said: "Credit card companies are bringing consumers to court without regard to accuracy." Jessica Continue to say "Credit card companies are making consumer litigation based on erroneous documents and incomplete records."
In her article, Jessica cites the judge of the New York State Court, Noahdell, who has heard hundreds of such cases saying: "I would say that about 90% of the lawsuits are flawed and it is impossible to prove that the person is in debt. "Obviously, the evidence is very obvious about the importance of hiring a lawyer to handle credit card debt on your behalf. It is also important that you only employ lawyers who practice practicing lawyers in your state and only allow them to represent you in court when you file a lawsuit against you.
In addition, you should understand that it is illegal for debt clearing companies to represent you in court. In addition, if you decide to get help from a "lawyer-based" debt clearing company, you must ensure that the provider is a lawyer who is licensed and practising in your state.
Understanding the US debt rules is very important. When faced with a credit card debt lawsuit, it is vital to trust you to hire someone who represents you in court.
Orignal From: What to do when a defective credit card lawsuit is sued
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