Sunday, April 28, 2019

You just need to love yourself!

Over the years, I have heard people say to others that they only need to love themselves, or that is the case. In addition, I have encountered a lot of posts on the Internet, and there are also the same arguments.

Then, self-love is presented as something that someone can experience by simply loving themselves. It's as easy as someone to put on a jacket, and they can easily love themselves.

Back to reality

However, the only clear thing is that if experiencing self-love is so easy, then for so many people, this will not be a challenge. If so, the person in this position only needs to see that they don't love themselves, and then they love themselves.

The truth is, in many cases, experiencing self-love is more than just happening. In most cases, someone can't decide to love themselves and everything will change.

Short-term solution

The idea that one can immediately love oneself is likely to come from the view that this situation can occur through force. This can be seen as a very masculine approach.

When you take this approach, what someone can do is to love yourself and eventually add something to their minds. For example, positive information and certainly can be used to cover up their feelings about themselves.

Too far

If this method works at the beginning, they may soon discover that it will begin to wear out soon. Not only that, they can even go from one extreme to the other, with an exaggerated sense of self.

Because they will cover their true feelings through a layer of positive information, their love for themselves will not be based on a solid foundation. Therefore, this method will not allow them to develop more self-awareness.

Another option

Another option is to let them remember that they are adequate and valuable, for example, when they are done, because they cannot realize this at the emotional level. Now is not the time when they try to change their feelings by force; they will succumb to what is happening inside them.

The reason they can't love themselves is probably because of the wound layer they carry. When they work on these levels, it may only be a matter of time before they experience positive emotions.

main component

Perhaps the main reason for stopping someone from experiencing self-love is shame. This is something that makes them more or less impossible to experience positive emotions, even if they can, it may be their challenge to maintain these feelings.

If someone is humiliated, it is often described as toxic and shameful, and it can indicate that they have encountered some kind of abuse and/or neglect when they were a child. In addition, their birth and their time in the womb may also play a role in their perception of adults.

a gradual process

Of course, solving this pain will not happen overnight. However, because of the tragic life in life, you may not be able to experience self-love, so waiting is not appropriate.

This is a process that can be carried out with the help of a therapist or therapist. People like this will provide the presence and guidance needed to pass these wound layers.

Orignal From: You just need to love yourself!

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