Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Job interview = mutual understanding - every other conversation

Ok - I admit it. I am surfing the web tonight to find the theme of this newsletter. I ended up with a large job search site and was surprised that the best they could offer in an interview suggestion was a video of a typical interview question. I clicked on about 20 questions and felt the despair that other people must feel in the face of preparing things they think are unknown.

Don't get me wrong, they can ask you a question like "What kind of car do you drive?" Egypt "What are you most afraid of?" Egypt "What do you like to do to have fun?", but I hope that I have enough confidence in the interview to give an honest answer, instead of trying to make a "perfect" overnight before the interview. "s answer.

The interview is about showing your employer your true, honest, and true self. You need to be relaxed enough and be confident enough to do this. As you learn about the experience, you also need to understand what you actually tell them.

Do you clearly describe what you are doing in each role, not what the team or your boss is doing?

Did you provide them with enough information to understand how you make decisions at work?

What is the anecdote of your experience, or are you confusing?

That's it. Give yourself an in-depth refresher course on past work, make your voice, and then enter the interview.

You can view those job interview sites - 嘿 - they may ask you "What three roles does your friend use to describe you?"

Of course, you can do all of this on your own, but I can help you focus more efficiently on a few days of interviews.

Orignal From: Job interview = mutual understanding - every other conversation

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