Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Security Challenges in Nigeria: Problems

Nigeria is currently facing serious internal security challenges, the most serious of which are Borno in the northeast, the Boko Haram rebellion in Yobe and Adamawa, and the armed forces and pirates in the Niger Delta in the southern geopolitical region, including Pakistan. Jelsa, Delta and River State. In addition, violent crimes, ethnic-religious conflicts, resource conflicts, cross-border criminal activities and election-induced violence also pose security challenges. All of these security challenges undoubtedly pose some threats to Nigeria's social, economic and political stability, but also extend to the West African subregion, with more than half of its population coming from Nigeria. This can also be improved.

At present, Nigeria's most serious security threat is a dissatisfaction or separatist agenda, especially violent extremism in Boko Haram and violent terrorism in the Niger Delta. The former uses religion as a platform, suicide bombings, organized attacks on police and military installations, intimidation of rural communities, kidnapping of middle school students, etc.; the latter is resource-based and uses oil control in its field as its The platform knows that about 90% of Nigeria's income comes from this natural resource.

The most threatening threat to Nigeria's national security is the violent extremism released by the Boko Haram Group, whose main base is located in the northeast. Although the Niger Delta armed group was the first to use an improvised explosive device [IED] to fight, Boko Haram's violent extremists introduced the idea of ​​a suicide bombing to Nigeria.

This situation is attributed to the political atmosphere of our country, which is becoming a "do or die" thing, and most politicians become very radical in their methods. It has reached a stage where those seeking political positions control the economic resources that seek their own political interests through various means, especially the candidates for the governors who make the political mob army. They not only carry dangerous weapons, but also provide illegal drugs. To protect their interests, even if it requires the use of violence. It is well known that the radical organization of the Niger Delta and the formation of the Boko Haram in the northeast were somehow a part of the political mobs of some governor candidates and politicians. Also in the Niger Delta and Borno State.

Orignal From: Security Challenges in Nigeria: Problems

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