Gardening is basically about growing and it doesn't matter if you're trying to grow a tree or a head of lettuce. You're still a gardener if you're growing plant life. If you garden at all and want some tips on how you can do it organically, make sure you read the article below and use these gardening tips.
If you have an organic garden and children, plant some everbearing strawberries for them. Children enjoy picking fresh fruit, especially if they can eat it right away.
When you are organic gardening in a humid environment, water your plants in the early morning hours. This will help you prevent mildew. Watering in the morning also prohibits fungal growth that can occur in humid climates. You do not want mildew or fungal diseases to spread, it can lead to poor growth and unhealthy soil.
Make your own compost. If you create your own compost at home, you can be absolutely certain of what goes into it, unlike if you purchase bags of compost from a gardening store. In addition, composting in your yard will attract helpful native wildlife such as insects that will balance the ecosystem of your garden.
Why buy new garden covers when you can use your old blankets to cover plants in the winter time? If you don't have any old blankets you can buy used ones at thrift stores cheaply. Use tomato cages to support the blankets over your plants. Individual bricks or garden rocks can be used to hold the blankets and down and insure good coverage for your plants.
Dry your herbs immediately after harvesting them to prevent rot. Rot is usually caused by moisture either within the herb or on top of it. Moisture can cause the production of harmful bacteria that may cause rot on the herb, or produce a nasty by-product which will then spoil your harvest.
When building or maintaining a compost pile, it is important not to add coal ash or charcoal to the pile. Both ash and charcoal have high amounts of iron and sulfur, as well as other unwanted chemicals, that may pollute the soil and potentially harm the health of your plants.
If you have low-growing weeds, such as lamium or chickweed, use a fast method to remove them. If your weeds have grown into a mat, you can use a sharp spade to slice beneath the weeds. Once the weeds are cut, you should turn them over which will bury the leaves. The leaves will rot and nourish your soil.
For organic fertilizer to use around the plants in your garden and flower beds, start a compost bin made from all-organic material that would otherwise be wasted. Pitch in yard clippings, leaves, vegetable peelings, eggshells and coffee grounds, turning the contents of the bin often. In just a short time, you will have great material to mix with your soil that will provide nutrients and nourishment to your plants without added chemicals.
Grow basil successfully. Basil is an annual warm-season herb, very susceptible to cold and frost. Sow seed in spring at a depth of about 1/2 inch in full sun. Keep the soil evenly moist. When the basil reaches about 6 inches, pinch out the top to encourage bushy growth. Pick continuously before any flower buds open. Pick leaves in the morning after dew has dried, and don't over wash leaves, as you will lose the aromatic oils.
When you are maintaining acid loving plants mulch your soil with pine needles every fall. As the pine needles decompose over the winter months they will deposit their acid into the soil and give your acid loving botanicals what they need to thrive instead of relying on harsh chemical fertilizers.
Keep plastic grocery bags convenient to the nearest door to your garden. Working in your organic garden can be greatly enjoyable, but also messy. You can re-use plastic bags as impromptu shoe-covers so that you can enter your house without tracking in garden mud. This will allow you to deal with any indoor necessities quickly and get back to your gardening faster.
Try using botanical insecticides to help rid your garden of pests, without using chemicals. These natural insecticides can often be more effective than synthetically engineered pesticides. Due to the way they are made, you may have to use more of a botanical insecticide.
When first growing a plant you should make sure that it has all the nutrition and water that it needs. The sprouting stage for most plants is the time when it is most vulnerable to drying out or dying. With proper care, a sprout will mature into a full adult plant which is much more resistant to environmental and animal threats.
If your garden includes plants that prefer acidic soil, such as begonias, roses, and strawberries, you should mulch with a generous layer (two to three inches) of discarded pine needles at the beginning of the autumnal season. As the pine needles slowly decompose, they will release trace amounts of acid into the soil.
If you find yourself battling annoying clumps of weeds, one solution is to use a concentrated spritz of water and vinegar to the most choked areas. Adjust the nozzle on the sprayer so that it is easier to target only the affected areas. This is most effective when used on a sunny day.
Use fruit peelings and scraps of fruit and vegetable waste to create your own compost. By using these natural bits of food, you can make virtually cost-free organic compost that will leave your plants healthy and beautiful.
Recycle your drink cups to start tomatoes for your organic garden. Grow the tomato plants from seed in the cups. When the seedlings are ready to transplant, cut the bottom inch off the cup and put it right in the ground as is. This will help to prevent cutworms from getting at your newly transplanted tomatoes.
It's always good if you can have some tips to assist you in whatever you're trying to do. But you do not want to use just any tips. Make sure you use these organic-specific gardening tips instead of just garden-based tips. Organic is its own special genre and you'll need information like what you've read above to grow organically.
Orignal From: Helpful Advice For Growing A Better Organic Garden
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