A dog is considered by many to be a man's best friend, but training a dog is very different from loving or caring for one. Just like anything, learning the proper tips and techniques to train you dog will make your dog better behaved and more enjoyable to be around. This article contains a number of great tips on dog training.
Any dog owner should consider their pet's diet when looking to correct behavioral problems. As with humans, dogs are what they eat. If their diet is not nutritionally sound, internal and external problems can develop. Make sure your dog is eating his best, and improved behavior will often follow.
Dog owners can find great value in being affectionate toward their pets. Positive reinforcement has been proven to work better in a training situation than negativity. Dogs are social beings and love praise. Your efforts will go a long way toward improving future training sessions as well.
Sometimes it may be necessary to physically establish yourself as the Alpha in the pack. If your animal is being aggressive to another animal or a person, hold them by the scruff of the neck and put them in a prone position on the ground firmly, not violently. This lets your dog know you are in charge and exhibits behavior they would expect from another dog.
When you are training your dog and establishing your leadership role, do not be adverse to letting the dog lick you on the face. This is common behavior in dogs when dealing with the Alpha in the pack. Do not discourage this behavior as it can confuse the animal and confuse your role because you do not show proper response to this servile behavior.
If your otherwise well-behaved and housebroken dog starts exhibiting poor behaviors, such as urinating indoors, take it to a vet to rule out any medical problems. Many medical issues can cause a dog to act out. Don't punish your sick dog for showing you that it is sick; help it.
When training your dog to walk on a leash, remember that your dog should follow where you lead, not the other way around. Dogs are pack animals, and the leader of the pack always travels in front. You want your dog to see you as the leader, so they need to learn to walk behind you.
Crate training is a good skill for a dog of any age to have. Teaching your dog to stay in their crate quietly takes time and patience but can be a valuable tool while potty training or a safe place for him to stay while you are away from the house.
When you take your puppy out to go to the bathroom, you must be patient with him. He has a short attention span and may get distracted by sounds and smells, or want to play. This is normal puppy behavior and should not be reprimanded, especially while he is still learning.
To make your dog understand what you are expecting from it, you should reward it when it behaves well. Pet it when it obeys you, and use a soothing voice. You can even feed your dog a treat if it did something remarkably well. Make sure your dog understands why you are pleased.
To stop your dog from biting, you should express pain every time it bits you and then ignore your dog for a few minutes. When your dog bites you softly, reward it by responding to their nipping and playing with your dog. Make sure your dog understands the difference between biting and soft nipping.
If you don't want your new puppy to chew on your belongings, take ownership of them and keep them out of his reach. A new puppy is naturally inclined to chew, and a fresh shoe or purse can look very inviting. If you only keep items that the puppy is allowed to have within his reach, your valuables will remain safe.
Finding out what motivates your dog is the key to successful training. All dogs have different tastes and preferences, but it is also important to keep in mind that the reward you're giving your dog should be healthy. Even if the treats at the store say your dog will like it, make sure to double check the ingredients. Cheese and strong- smelling meats are very popular, but oftentimes falsely advertised at the store containing a mix artificial tastes and smells.
Does your dog jump up on you? Simply turn your back to your dog for a few seconds when she jumps up. Most dogs will quickly learn that jumping up makes you ignore them, but when they have all four feet on the floor, then you pay attention to them.
A great way to potty-train your puppy is to crate-train it. A dog won't potty where it sleeps, so keep the puppy in his crate and let him out for a potty break at regular intervals and he will go. Eventually, your pup will learn that bathroom time is outdoor time. This type of training also prevents a lot of accidents.
Consistency is imperative when training a dog. This means remaining consistent with the words for your dog's commands, your tone of voice, and the provided rewards.
When you train your dog, you don't have to train him to do exactly what your training book or video says he should do; however, you must train him to behave in a way that will fit in well with your family. You must train him in such a way that you can take him for a walk or to the vet without a lot of drama. By determining exactly what sort of behavior you need from your dog and then working consistently to attain that behavior, you will support your dog in having a happier and more successful life.
As this article has discussed, taking care of or training a dog can be a wonderful experience. However, the dog training process can be challenging if you are not aware of the proper techniques to utilize. Apply this article's advice and you'll be well on your way to training your dog the right way.
Orignal From: The Polite Pooch: Dog Training Ideas You Don't Want To Miss
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