Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Big Sky Regional Broadband Workshop

Big Sky Regional Broadband Workshop
Big Sky Regional Broadband Workshop August 31-September 1, 2016 Missoula, Montana Please join the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) BroadbandUSA at a regional broadband workshop featuring special keynote addresses by national leaders. Broadband is emerging as a key aspect of economic growth and prosperity throughout the country and is imprortant to agriculture, health, education and community development in Big Sky country. The Big Sky Regional Broadband Workshop will bring together state, local and federal officials, industry representatives, community leaders and other key stakeholders to share real-world broadband success stories and lessons learned from across the region. The workshop will also examine the gaps that remain and strategize on what still needs to be done to expand access to and use of high-speed, high-capacity Internet services for the benefit of all. This exciting event kicks off on Wednesday, August 31 at noon with a luncheon sponsored by the Montana Telecommunications Association. The workshop will focus on the latest insight and guidance from local broadband leaders.  The event will feature keynote addresses and high-impact discussions focused on everything from how to bring advanced telecommunications infrastructure to rural communities, to how to ensure that all Americans have the broadband access and critical skills needed to thrive in today's digital economy. On Thursday, September 1, we will have technical assistance workshops led by our broadband experts. Our team will be on hand to answer your questions about broadband planning and deployment and digital inclusion initiatives.  WHO: The National Telecommunications and Information Administration's BroadbandUSA WHERE: Hilton Garden Inn, Missoula, Montana WHEN: August 31-September 1, 2016 HOTEL: NTIA special room rate at the Hilton Garden Inn in Missoula, MT expired on August 11, 2016.  Reservations for the Hilton Garden Inn can be made online at this link.  For phone reservations, please call (406) 532-5300 and use block code "BroadbandUSA."   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agenda Big Sky: A Regional Broadband Workshop August 31- September 1, 2016   Hilton Garden Inn Missoula, MT   August 31, 2016   Registration   11:00am-12:00pm   Opening Luncheon   A special thank you to the Montana Telecommunications Association for the luncheon 12:15-1:15pm     Welcome Remarks John Engen, Mayor of Missoula Geoff Feiss, General Manager, Montana Telecommunications Association (MTA) Doug Kinkoph, Associate Administrator, Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications, NTIA 12:15-12:35pm     Keynote Conversation Lawrence Strickling, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, U.S. Department of Commerce Special Guests (invited) 12:35-1:15pm   Break   1:15-1:30pm   1st Panel Broadband Financing: Understanding Federal Funding Options Keith Adams, Assistant Administrator, Rural Utilities Service Telecommunications Program, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Kirk Keysor, Economic Development Representative, Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce Ian Forbes, Attorney-Advisor, Wireline Competition Bureau, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Tim Herwig, District Development Officer, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, U.S. Department of the Treasury Aimee Meacham, Director of External Affairs, NTIA (Moderator) 1:30-2:25pm     2nd Panel Public Private Partnerships David Fine, Economic Development Specialist, City of Bozeman, MT Michael Santorelli, Director, Advanced Communications Law and Policy Institute, New York Law School Christopher Mitchell, Policy Director, Next Century Cities Jen Ewan, Vice President, Missoula Economic Partnership David Young, Fiber Infrastructure and Right of Way Manager, City of Lincoln, NE Don Williams, Senior Broadband Development Officer, BroadbandUSA, NTIA (Moderator) 2:30-3:25pm     Breakout Panels   3:45-4:50pm   Breakout 1 Getting Started: Planning   Danae Wilson, Manager, Department of Technology Services, Nez Perce David Gibson, CEO, 3 Rivers Communications Bryan von Lossberg, Ward 1 Councilman, City of Missoula Dana Kirkham, Mayor, City of Ammon, ID Kate McMahon, Consultant, Applied Communications Ken Wall, President, Geodata Services Jean Rice, Broadband Development Officer, BroadbandUSA, NTIA (Moderator)     Breakout 2 Rural Broadband: the Role of Anchor Institutions Jennie Stapp,  Montana State Librarian Hatton Littman, Director of Technology and Communications, Missoula County Public Schools Barry Fowler,  Director of Human & System Resources, Clark Fork Valley Hospital Jerry Sheehan, CIO, Montana State University Valerie FastHorse, Director, Information Technology, Coeur d'Alene Tribe Jerry Tilley, COO, Nemont Telephone Cooperative Angela Siefer, Director, National Digital Inclusion Alliance (Moderator)     Break   4:50-5:00pm 3rd Panel Broadband in Big Sky Dan Lloyd, Economic Development Specialist, Governor's Office of Economic Development, State of Montana Bob Lake, Commissioner, Montana Public Service Commission; Rob Ferris, CEO, Vision Net, Inc.; member, Governor's Key Industry Network Joe Briggs, Commissioner, Cascade County, MT; Chair, Telecommunications and Technology SteeringCommittee, National Association of Counties (NACo) Bill Squires, CEO, Blackfoot Telecommunications Group; member, Governor's Key Industry Network Laura Spining, Director of Industry Relations and Products, BroadbandUSA, NTIA (Moderator) 4:00-5:55pm   Closing Remarks Geoff Feiss, General Manager, MTA Douglas Kinkoph, Associate Administrator, NTIA 5:55-6:00pm   NETWORKING RECEPTION Thank you to MTA for its generous sponsorship 6:00-7:30pm                 Please join us at the Hilton Garden Inn Rotunda North for a Networking Reception sponsored by Montana Telecommunications Association.  You will have the opportunity to talk face-to-face with broadband stakeholders and engage with other attendees to discuss private public partnerships, and other broadband issues and concerns.   Day 2 - September 1, 2016 Registration   8:00-9:00am   Tribal Meeting: Next Steps for Tribal Access and Digital Inclusion Jean Rice, NTIA (facilitator) 8:00-9:15am Please join us for a tribal broadband meeting. This meeting will provide an opportunity for tribal participants and partners to discuss their broadband initiatives, share best practices and meet and greet.  We will also discuss the Broadband Opportunity Council and Broadband USA's broadband initiatives that support deployment and digital inclusion in Indian Country.  Please contact Giselle Sanders at to sign-up or if you have questions.  This is an open meeting and everyone is welcome. BroadbandUSA Technical Assistance "Office Hours" Don Williams, NTIA Tim Herwig, OCC/Treasury Kim Jacobs, USDA Ian Forbes, FCC Kirk Keysor, EDA 8:00-10:00am We set aside time for one-on-one meetings with a member of our federal agency representatives.  Please contact to sign-up for time with an agency representative.  Sign up sheets will also be available onsite. Community Connectivity Initiative:  Measuring Broadband Access and Adoption Laura Spining, NTIA Karen Perry, NTIA 9:30-11:45am Please join us for a discussion and hands-on engagement on the BroadbandUSA Community Connectivity Initiative (CCI).   BroadbandUSA is collaborating with broadband stakeholders nationwide to develop an interactive, online tool that will support communities, and help to improve and accelerate broadband and digital inclusion planning.  This working group is open to everyone, and will include an overview of BroadbandUSA's CCI tool and demonstrate the Phase One concepts and elements of the tool.  We will ask for your feedback on the concepts, what you like about the tool and what we can improve.  If you would like to join this conversation, please contact Giselle Sanders at Break   11:45am-12:00pm Field Trip: Tour of University of Montana; Missoula Public Schools and Blackfoot Communications Bill Squires, Blackfoot Telecommunications Group Matt Riley, CIO, University of Montana Hatton Littman, Missoula County Public Schools 12:00pm-3:00pm Join us for a tour of Blackfoot Telecommunications, the University of Montana, and the Missoula Public Schools.  This special guided tour will take you by bus, departing from the Hilton Garden Inn at 12:00 pm, and returning at 4:00 p.m.  Lunch will be available (at attendee expense) on campus at the University of Montana.  If you would like to join the bus tour, please contact Giselle Sanders at  More details will be available soon and posted at BroadbandUSA.  A special "thank you" to the Montana Telecommunications Association for their coordination and sponsorship. ###                         Keywords: Montana, Missoula, Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Butte, Kalispell, Havre, Anaconda, Miles City, Belgrade, Livinston, Laurel, Whitefish, Sidney, Glendive, Columbia Falls, Polson, Hamilton, Dillon, Hardin, Shelby, Glasgow, Deer Lodge,Fort Peck, Lima, Saco, Moore, Broadus, Alberton, Belt, Sheridon, Circle, Terry, Clyde Park, Ryegate,  Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota,

at 3720 North Reserve St.
3720 N Reserve St
Missoula, United States

Orignal From: Big Sky Regional Broadband Workshop

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