Petone Intro to Mindfulness & Meditation 4 wk Course. Thursday Course. Starts Thurs 04 Aug 5.30pm Sessions
"Neuroscientists have found that meditators shift their brain activity to different areas of the cortex…This mental shift decreases the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. …The researchers found that the meditators showed a pronounced shift in activity to the left frontal lobe. In other words, they were calmer and happier than before." - Psychology Today Benefits of mindfulness & meditation: Reduce stress and anxiety More focus and energy Greater sense of ease and perspective Sleep better Relax more Greater self-awareness and wisdom Deeper levels of self-acceptance Richer and deeper experience of day to day life Studies and articles on the benefits of mindfulness meditation What is mindfulness? Mindfulness means "paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally." – Jon Kabat Zinn (Professor of Medicine Emeritus Stress Reduction Clinic and the Centre for Mindfulness in Medicine). Mindfulness and meditation are both gaining in popularity as more and more people discover how this simple skill can have a profoundly positive impact on your life. Organisations such as Google, Apple, Nike and Yahoo! now run mindfulness programmes and sessions for staff during work hours. Modern research about mindfulness and meditation shows measurable and significant benefits to people including less stress, less anxiety, greater focus, calm and happiness. This particular course emphasises your own natural wisdom, your own innate OKness, right here and now. The instructions and guidance will be explicitly inviting you to embrace your whole human experience as it happens, moment by moment with a radical acceptance. "Mental Health Foundation mental health promoter Grant Rix says mindfulness has been shown to benefit our brains to such an extent that we can feel calmer, more aware, have an increased ability to focus and concentrate, remember things better and feel happier." - NZ Mental Health Foundation Press Release July 2012 About The Course: Practical with no dogma or religion Bookings are essential. The last course was fully booked prior to starting Class numbers are restricted to 20 people Each class includes a instruction, a guided meditation and time for questions/reflections Meditation is in chairs Four weekly 45-minute classes Receive articles, weekly emails and high-quality guided meditation MP3 downloads at no extra cost Safe and supportive environment Learn to meditate in a simple, clear, effective and practical way Develop your capacity of self-awareness, self-understanding, compassion and mindfulness Generate greater calm, insight and wisdom Course Contents: Week 1: What is Mindfulness? What mindfulness is The benefits of mindfulness and meditation How to get the most from the course Guided body scan mindfulness meditation Question and answers / discussion Week 2: Working with the Mind Why thinking can be problematical Practical ways to work with difficult thoughts Self judgement and how to intervene Guided mindfulness meditation – counting the breath Questions and answers / discussion Week 3: Working with Emotions and Feelings What are emotions? Learning to feel emotions The RAIN method Non-judgement and acceptance Guided mindfulness meditation on feelings Question and answers / discussion Week 4: Radical Acceptance What it means to be present How wanting causes stress Developing wisdom and insight Authentic self compassion Open awareness guided mindfulness meditation Question and answers / discussion All Introductory Courses Include: Guided meditation MP3s Handouts and articles for each class Weekly email instructions and articles Refund policy and money back guarantee Should you attend the entire course and not be satisfied you are entitled to a full 100% refund should you wish. How long is each weekly class and what happens? Each class is 45 minutes long. There will be a guided meditation for a period. This will include meditation instruction. After the meditation and instruction there will be a talk or discussion. This includes a question and answer time. Who is it suitable for? This course is suitable for you if you have never practised mindfulness or meditation or if you have attended introductory mindfulness and meditation courses and want to deepen your practice. Your trainer is Martin Wilson Martin Wilson is the principal of and a personal / leadership coach with Selfmade Coaching ( He's also an Associate for the Mental Health Foundation of NZ's Working Well Programme. Previously, Martin was a partner in a large commercial law firm and then established his own legal practice. Juggling the challenges of being a busy lawyer, a parent and an over-thinking, over-achieving self, contributed to Martin's first 'foray' into meditation 20 years ago. From there he developed a broader interest and participation in mindfulness work and related self-awareness growth practice, much of which he engages in as a coach. His principal mindfulness / meditation experience comes from the Vipassana tradition and yet he is a keen explorer of other approaches. Martin lives in Wellington, is married to Chris and has three younger adult children. Being in nature, travelling and growing self-awareness are his 'things'. Questions or More Information: If you have questions or require more information: Email: Ring or text: 027 664 9281 Contact Form: Mindfulness Works website contact form Testimonials for the Introduction to Mindfulness & Meditation course: "The course was very relaxed and friendly, and full of useful practical advice that recognised the limits to time that everyone faces. Also I liked the mix of people attending, with a range of different reasons for being there." — Rosie Cree "Since doing this course, I have been sleeping much better, I feel much more in control of my emotions, I have enjoyed 'noticing' my own state, but also it has transferred to everything around. This means I am re-enjoying many things that I had been taking for granted." — Sandy Good "The course guidebook was a useful guide and very informative. I also enjoyed the formal practice and the way different strategies were explained." — Linda Daniell
at The Petone Library (Boardroom)
7 Britannia Street
Wellington, New Zealand
Orignal From: Petone Intro to Mindfulness & Meditation 4 wk Course. Thursday Course. Starts Thurs 04 Aug 5.30pm Sessions
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