The School Policy Institute: Cyber and Sexual Misconduct for K-12 to Higher Education
Join school administrators for a two day training event. On the Docket.Instagrams as evidence. Hook-up apps for consent. Title IX. Webcams in residence halls. Inappropriate sexual images posted by students. Government mandates. Public accountability with steep liability. Same-sex sexual assault. Male victims. Bystander intervention. Responding to the accused. Practical Solutions.Acquire current legal standards. Establish best practices for response and prevention strategies. Learn federal and state laws. Cognize technology's intersection with sexual misconduct. Train comprehensively. Manage risk. Comprehensive Applicability.Helpful to Pre-K to higher education. Private or public. Large or small. Religious or nondenominational. Urban or rural. Greek Life. Military Bases. Athletic Programs. Essential Tools and Solutions. Grasp changes in laws and definitions over the last decade. Understand "actual notice," "fundamental fairness," "providing notice," and "deliberate indifference". Craft a comprehensive sexual misconduct policy. Define technology-related sexual misconduct, consent, incapacity, sexual exploitation, and more. Set standards for properly processing complaints parallel with criminal and civil proceedings. Recognize the rights of an accused student and an alleged victim. Obtain strategies to best educate faculty and staff on sexual misconduct and response protocol. Utilize research supported methods to educate students, including integration into existing curricula and developmentally appropriate content for students of all ages, genders, religious affiliations, socio-economic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. The most up-to-date schedule and listing of presenters can be found at Who should attend? PK-12, colleges, and universities of all kinds: public and private; religiously affiliated and nondenominational; commuter and residential; large and small; urban and rural; two year and four year; diversity in student age and background. Work in affinity groups with your type of institution. Send a team. Train three administrators on policies, procedures, protocols, and prevention education. Critical updates on legal mandates, research, standards, and best practices. We address federal and state laws, confidentiality, men's role in prevention, bystander intervention, faculty sexual misconduct, athletic programs, international students, male victims, same sex sexual assault, responding to the accused, and more. Spend two intensive days on getting caught up and then staying ahead. Concurrent Event: Respect Red Training Institute for Prevention and Upstander Education Certification Institute Learning Outcomes Learn how laws and definitions have changed over the last decade. Understand Dear Colleague, Title IX, Mandated Reporters, and more guidelines and prescriptions from the national and state levels. Understand "actual notice," "fundamental fairness," "providing notice," and "deliberate indifference". Know how to craft a comprehensive sexual misconduct policy, including technology-related sexual misconduct. Understand technology-related sexual misconduct, consent, incapacity and sexual exploitation. Learn how to properly process complaints parallel with criminal and civil proceedings. Understand the rights of an accused student and an alleged victim. Obtain strategies to best educate faculty and staff on sexual misconduct and response protocol. Understand research supported methods to educate students, including integration into existing curricula, survey instruments, learning outcomes and developmentally appropriate content for students of all ages, genders, religious affiliations, socio-economic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. Policy Institute Faculty (more listed on website) Greg Bernabeo, Partner, Saul Ewing Amanda Blaugher, Program Director, Take Back The Night Foundation Chimi Boyd-Keyes, Founder, CBK Enterprises Michelle Carroll, Campus Coordinator, NYSCASA Matthew Colpitts, Dean of Students, Interlochen Arts Academy Brandon Dawson, Dean of Student Life, Elmira College Colin Gallant, Health Educator and Trainer in New England Will Hannum, Partner, Schwartz-Hannum Jules Irvin-Rooney, Legal Consultant, Title IX and Clery Act Consulting, LLC Todd Kamenash, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Conduct, Kent State University Gary Kelly, Technical Lieutenant for Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit, NY State Police Katie Koestner, Executive Director, Campus Outreach Services Alli Tombros Korman, Executive Director for Culture of Respect, NAPSA Peter Langman, Psychologist, Author and School Safety Expert Robb Monkman, Founder, React Mobile Kevin Murphy, Director of Counseling Services, Elmira College Jim Taylor, Partner, Saul Ewing Pre-Conference Fun Event Sunday, August 7, 2016 Check-in Open from 11am to 9pm. Meier Hall. 1:00-6:00pm: Finger Lake Wine and Orchard Tour Orchards, wineries, apples, berries and more. Join us for fresh air, countryside views, and meet new friends. 6:30-8:00pm: Summer Flavors Dinner Summer savories and home-baked treats. Music and good fun. Day 1: Monday, August 8, 2016 8:30-9:00am: Check-in, Coffee, Light Breakfast 9:00-9:30am: Opening Remarks and Institute Orientation* Norman Smith, President of Elmira College; Chris Coons, VP of Enrollment Services Katie Koestner, Campus Outreach Services 9:30-10:30am: Title IX: What You Need to Know* Understand these three crucial mandates as related to sexual misconduct policy and prevention. Has your school met all necessary requirements? Is your administration fully versed? Leads: Will Hannum, Jules Irvin-Rooney Panelists: Jim Taylor, Greg Bernabeo, Chimi Boyd-Keyes 10:30-11:00am: Policy Fundamentals for Employee and Student Handbooks* What must handbooks include about sexual misconduct? How is the term defined? Understand coercion vs. consent and intoxication vs. incapacitation. What rights, if any, should be stated in the handbook? Topics: Criminal vs. civil vs. school definitions Sexual exploitation Sexual assault vs. rape Same-sex sexual assault Technology-related sexual misconduct (sexting) Leads: Katie Koestner, Brandon Dawson, Jim Taylor Panelists: Will Hannum, Jules Irvin-Rooney, Alli Tombros Korman 11:00-12:00pm: Interactive Case Study: He Said-She Said* Listen as two students describe a night of partying and sexual interaction. This case serves as the day's foundation. Leads: Greg Bernabeo, Jules Irvin-Rooney, Colin Gallant and Amanda Blaugher Moderator: Katie Koestner 12:00-1:00pm: Lunch with Workshop Opportunity. Sit with the workshop attendees to join the session as you eat. Enjoy lunch with colleagues and new friends. Workshop Option 1: Bystanders in Sexual Violence Prevention Join Chimi Boyd-Keyes for how you can build a bystander program and attitude in your Using the case study, become the adjudicator and ask questions of the students. If you are hearing the case at your institution, what information is relevant to decide your course of action? How can you ask questions without bias? Presenter: Chimi Boyd-Keyes Workshop Option 2: Activism 101* Dine with Michelle Carroll to learn more about starting or building an anti-sexual assault movement in your community. We will cover activist mindsets, self-care tips, and concrete ideas for how to make a difference. Presenter: Michelle Carroll Workshop Option 3: How Will Headlines Impact Your Campus and Community? After the Stanford rape, the University of Florida bystander intervention, due process challenges, and recent OCR decisions, how will your campus engage the community about your policies? How can mentors and administrators work with students, and within their own lives, to build discussions about these issues to support campus guidelines -- and better campus procedures? Presenter: Jules Irvin-Rooney 1:10-2:00pm: Interview Technique and Mandated Reports Using the case study, become the adjudicator and ask questions of the students. If you are hearing the case at your institution, what information is relevant to decide your course of action? How can you ask questions without bias? Leads: Gary Kelly, Will Hannum, Matthew Colpitts Panelists: Todd Kamenash, Chimi Boyd-Keyes 2:00-3:00pm: Procedures for Doing Discipline Well What are best practices for addressing policy violations to successfully balance punishment, education, contract compliance, risk management, legal compliance, and most importantly institutional mission? Learn when to involve parents, legal counsel, and criminal authorities. Topics: Philosophical approach: Education vs. Discipline Investigation process Burden and standard of proof Jurisdiction Leads: Todd Kamenash, Brandon Dawson, Jim Taylor, Matthew Colpitts Panelists: Jules Irvin Rooney, Gary Kelly, Alli Tombros Korman 3:00-3:15pm: Break 3:15-3:45pm: Analysis of Top Five Unintentional Missteps by School Leaders Learn from other's mistakes. What should the prudent administrator NOT assume in systems level leadership? What critical steps are often overlooked? Leads: Will Hannum, Jules Irvin-Rooney Panelists: Alli Tombros Korman, Peter Langman, Todd Kamenash 3:45-4:30pm: Application of Training to "He Said – She Said" Case Analyze the case study again applying the skills and knowledge from the day. This session will recap essentials and examine the impact of their use at your institution. Leads: Katie Koestner, Will Hannum, Todd Kamenash Panelists: Jules Irvin-Rooney, Gary Kelly, Chimi Boyd-Keyes 4:30-5:00pm: School Shootings as Violence Against Women We close out our thinking about school safety as we consider what many may consider the "worst case scenario." Dr. Peter Langman has us to consider the extent to which school shooters are violent to women prior to their attacks and/or target women during their attacks. This presentation discusses the intersection of mass shootings and gender-based violence. Presenter: Dr. Peter Langman 4:30-5:00pm:Nuts and Bolts of an OCR Investigation (Special Focus Workshop) An investigation by the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights can upend even the most prepared institution. From immediate requests for documents, responses to a cryptic complaint, interview requests and the corresponding publicity, an OCR investigation carries significant legal and reputational harm. With hundreds of current investigations, OCR's techniques and processes continue to evolve, and this session will discuss the Nuts and Bolts of responding to an investigation and how best to position your institution. Attendees will learn the OCR process from start to finish, the potential outcomes, the mechanics of interviews, document requests and redactions, site visits and other basics to remove some of the mystery behind OCR's enforcement initiative. Presenters: Jim Taylor, Greg Bernabeo 6:00-7:30pm: Dinner of Summer Barbeque Favorites, Music 7:30-10:00pm: School Safety "Olympics Event" Enjoy Networking, Social Activities, Music, Gym, Pool, Games, and Other Fun Events Day 2: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 8:00-9:00am: Breakfast 9:00-9:10am: Day 1 Recap, Discussion and Day 2 Orientation 9:10-10:15am: Response Protocols for Incidents and Victimology Checklist of practical response when someone knows or reasonably should know that an incident has occurred. Compliance with mandated reporting for K-12, Clery, VAWA, and state laws for school administrators. Topics: Reporting obligations Responding to the accused Rape-Related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 3rd party reports Interactions with media and parents Leads: Jim Taylor, Will Hannum, Katie Koestner Panelists: Gary Kelly, Brandon Dawson, Todd Kamenash 10:15-11:45am: Prevention Education and Employee Training Best Practices Understand the ways to impart school policies during training for all members of your community to increase adoption and ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines that, in turn, can reduce liability. Topics Addressed: Educating males vs. females Cultural sensitivity and international student issues Developmental models for all ages Peer leadership and bystander intervention Education for adults Leads: Katie Koestner, Alli Tombros Korman, Peter Langman Panelists: Jules Irvin-Rooney, Will Hannum, Jim Taylor 11:45-1:00pm: Lunch with Workshop Opportunity. Sit with the workshop attendees to join the session as you eat. Enjoy lunch with colleagues and new friends. Workshop Option 1: Understanding School Shooters before They Attack What do we know about students and adults who resort to gun violence? Are there any connections to cyber-bullying, harassment, disrespect or discrimination? School shootings can be prevented by knowing the risk factors and warning signs. This presentation covers the three types of school shooters and the common indications of impending violence. Presenter: Dr. Peter Langman Workshop Option 2: Sealing the Cracks in Collegiate Sexual Assault Prevention Education: Injecting Inclusivity, Internationality, and LGBTQ+ Language into Established Programs If advocates and educators are to collaborate with colleges effectively to address sexual violence, it is imperative that our prevention education measures address the concerns of all students, including marginalized populations. This workshop will provide an introduction to intersectionality and LGBTQ+ prevention statistics and language. We will also provide concrete steps to augmenting your already established prevention modules with the language, statistics, and case studies you need to promote intersectionality and LGBTQ+ inclusivity. Presenter: Michelle Carroll Workshop Option 3: Keeping Students in the Conversation: Culture of Respect* Learn how Culture of Respect works to keep students engaged and challenged. What do we know from evidence about what works well and why? Join Alli Tombros Korman, the Program Director for the Culture of Respect at NASPA to learn and discuss how to make this a reality in your community! Presenter: Alli Tombros Korman 1:00-3:00pm: The Situation Room! Use ALL the "P's" from the Policy Institute Real time simulation of an actual case! Sit in affinity groups. Using our Web-App, we push out in real time a situation for your team to address. Use all your knowledge garnered so far from the Institute. Test your ability to make decisions to mitigate additional risk. Practice your communication skills. Identify process and protocol gaps. Understand conflicts of interest and competing needs. Apply logic in analyzing potential results from present tense actions. Develop a plan for consistency and resolution. Tailored to both K-12 and higher education institutions. Apply your current policies, procedures and protocols with peer review and feedback Leads: Katie Koestner, Todd Kamenash, Matthew Colpitts Panelists: Jules Irwin-Rooney, Will Hannum, Jim Taylor, Greg Bernabeo, Chimi Boyd-Keyes, Gary Kelly, Peter Langman 3:00-3:30pm: Closing Discussion. Review of Institute Resource Kit and Respect Red Campaign* Policy Institute Resource Kit Access The Policy Institute Resource Kit will be made available to all attendees online as a password protected link for 5 to support the Take Back The Night Foundation. The link will be sent electronically to the email address you provided during your Eventbrite registration. At this link you will find the complete Policy Institute Manual (over 100 pages of best practices, models, explanations and definitions), templates, training webinars, curriculum guides and much more. The link will be active for 30 days. Institute Faculty Biographies Greg Bernabeo, Partner, Saul Ewing Greg Bernabeo brings a multidimensional approach to problem solving for a wide array of entities, including non-profits, corporations of all sizes and educational organizations. Assisted by his academic training and degrees in mechanical engineering, business and law, Greg's analytical style and perspective are tremendous assets in risk management, intellectual property, and university policy. Greg is an attorney and partner at the Saul Ewing law firm, with eleven offices throughout the mid-Atlantic. He works in concert with the firm's Higher Education Practice Group, which provides trusted "one-stop" legal services for institutions of higher education. The team has extensive expertise in assisting the Higher Education community, including experience related to Title IX investigations and litigation, Clery Act compliance, discrimination claims, and challenges to student conduct sanctions. Greg enjoys bringing legal concepts to life via training and workshops. Greg is registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and is admitted to practice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and before the United States Supreme Court. Amanda Blaugher, Program Director, Take Back The Night Foundation Amanda Blaugher serves as the Program Director for the Take Back The Night Foundation and is the Assistant Director of Residence Life at Penn State Harrisburg. Amanda oversees national campaigns such as 10 Points of Light and Respect My Red for the Take Back The Night Foundation. She works with school, colleges, and communities to help them organize their walks, runs, vigils and other programming components. She is the Conference Program Coordinator for Respect is Red: The International Summit to End Sexual Violence. Amanda works tirelessly to assist event holders around the globe with planning and organizing their walks, runs, vigils and educational programs. Holding a Master's Degree in Counseling from Shippensburg University, Amanda has been committed to raising awareness about all forms of sexual violence since she was a college student, at which time she created a Women's Empowerment Program that oversaw all programming efforts on campus around sexual violence and healthy relationships. She has presented to over 200,000 students and professionals at more than 100 colleges, universities, military bases, corporations, non-profits and high schools across the country on sexual violence and healthy relationships. Chimi Boyd-Keyes, Founder, CBK Enterprises Chimi Boyd-Keyes is a much sought after consultant, speaker, trainer and grant writer. Chimi has directed two university Women's Centers, one at a historically black university (HBCU) and one at a predominantly white university (PWI). Chimi was the co-principal investigator of the only published study to date on Sexual Assault at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). She has been a consultant for the Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women, the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault. She serves on both state-wide Domestic Violence Prevention and Sexual Assault Prevention taskforces in North Carolina. Chimi co-founded Helpers and Advocates for Violence Ending Now (HAVEN), an award-winning program which trains faculty, staff, and students to be allies for students who are survivors of sexual and relationship violence and stalking, and Circle of Sisters, an initiative dedicated to women's leadership development. She has successfully applied for and has been awarded over .5 million in grants and sponsorships and works with non-profits and educational institutions to help them meet their financial goals through grant writing. A native of Durham, NC, Chimi is proud to have received both her BA and MA in psychology from UNC-Chapel Hill and North Carolina Central University, respectively. Michelle Carroll, Campus Coordinator, NYSCASA Michelle Carroll is the Campus Coordinator for the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA). She graduated with Honors from Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with a degree in Government and Comparative Literature. During her time at F&M, Michelle organized the community's Take Back the Night for three years. After college, Michelle served as an elementary school teacher with Teach For America in Southwest Philadelphia. She currently writes for the online publications Guerrilla Feminism and The Radical Notion. Matthew Colpitts, Dean of Students, Interlochen Arts Academy Matthew Colpitts is Dean of Students at Interlochen Arts Academy. Matthew has extensive experience in student affairs. Previously, he worked in student affairs and emergency management at Utah State University. While at USU, he worked with the community to improve campus safety. Matthew was also the Associate Director of the Landmark College High School Program, serving as the senior student affairs official for the college's program for high school students with learning disabilities. He also held several other important roles at Landmark, including staff representative to the trustees. He is currently a doctoral candidate, studying emergency management, higher education, and student affairs. Brandon Dawson, Dean of Student Life, Elmira College Brandon Dawson is the Dean of Student Life of Elmira College in Southern New York. With thirteen years of experience in the field of higher education, Brandon brings with him knowledge and skills to manage and implement services and activities around student conduct and crisis management. Brandon holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a concentration in Law and Justice, from the State University of New York College at Cortland and Masters in Educational Leadership from Manhattanville College. Brandon has served in numerous leadership roles including Vice President of Student Affairs at Endicott College and the Dean of Students in the Division of Student Affairs at Manhattanville College. Brandon has certifications in BASICS, Clery Compliance from the Clery Center, Sexual Assault Investigator Training from Boston University and is active member of various Student Affairs National Organizations. Alongside his professional roles, Brandon is recognized as an expert in campus safety and student conduct. He has presented regionally and nationally on both topics and been hired by colleges to speak on topics related to student safety. Colin Gallant, Health Educator and Trainer in New England Colin travels throughout the country to colleges and high schools to connect with students, especially men, about the importance of taking a stand against sexual violence in all forms. He shares stories from his own life experience as well as the interactive program, "He Said-She Said." He holds two bachelor's degrees from Connecticut College in Philosophy and Classical History and a master's degree in Public Health from Boston University. Colin's leadership has included implementation of programs in compliance with Title IX, VAWA and the Campus Security Act within a wide variety of institutions of higher education as well as K-12 schools. Colin founded the 1 in 4 chapter at Connecticut College, and has presented at over 100 national and regional conferences, school assemblies, keynotes and workshops on the issue of sexual violence and men's roles in ending sexual assault. Will Hannum, Partner, Schwartz-Hannum William E. Hannum III is Managing Partner of Schwartz Hannum PC in Andover, MA. Will represents employers and educators in the full spectrum of labor and employment law matters, including employment litigation, labor relations and collective bargaining and employment counseling. Will advises the Firm's school and education clients on the full range of education law issues, including reports of abuse, as well as student and employee matters, risk management, compliance, and documentation ranging from employment contracts to handbooks to bullying prevention and intervention plans. He has also represented unionized and non-unionized employers (including for profit and non-profit organizations) throughout the United States in a variety of industries. Since 2012, Will has been recognized by Chambers USA as a leading attorney in Labor and Employment Law. Will has been selected as a Massachusetts Super Lawyer® and top Labor and Employment attorney in Massachusetts for each consecutive year since 2004. Will currently serves as a member on the Labor & Employment Education Steering Committee for the Boston Bar Association and is a frequent speaker and author on labor and employment law. Jules Irvin-Rooney, Legal Consultant, Title IX and Clery Act Consulting, LLC Jules C. Irvin-Rooney, J.D. is a legal consultant and advocate. She serves as President of Title IX and Clery Act Consulting, LLC, an affiliate of The Irvin Law Firm. Ms. Irvin-Rooney's concentration areas include education and higher education law, and her specialties are Title IX, Clery Act, FERPA, and Special Education issues. Working with both students and institutions, Ms. Irvin-Rooney strives to empower all to know their rights about sexual violence and Title IX. She provides her expertise and analysis to a variety of educational settings regarding K-12 and higher education on school sexual assault prevention and compliance with federal guidelines. Additionally, she facilitates training for schools and advocacy groups regarding compliance issues, and implements discussions of "best practices." Ms. Irvin-Rooney is the founding Board Chair for Stop Sexual Assault in Schools (SSAIS) and also serves as an Advisory Board Member to S.E.S.A.M.E. (Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation). Ms. Irvin-Rooney holds a J.D. from William & Mary Law School where she was awarded the National Association of Women Lawyers Award along with the Dean's Certificate for special and outstanding service to the law school community. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Richmond where she graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in Rhetoric & Communications Studies and Sociology. In addition, she earned her Master's degree in English: Rhetoric and Writing from Virginia Commonwealth University. Todd Kamenash, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Conduct, Kent State University Todd Kamenash has been the Director of the Office of Student Conduct (formerly Judicial Affairs) at Kent State University since 2010. Prior to that, Todd worked at the University at Buffalo from 1998 - 2010 as the assistant and then associate director of Judicial Affairs / Student Advocacy (formerly Ombudsman). Todd's skill sets include experience in writing and rewriting Codes of Conduct, multicultural competence for student affairs administrators, addressing sexual harassment and misconduct through campus discipline procedures, and developing process flows for various student affairs functions. Todd has presented locally, regionally, and nationally on numerous topics pertaining to campus life and disciplinary matters. Some of Todd's presentations include the Ohio Police Officer Training Academy, "Campus Conduct Processes for Sexual Assault" and various workshops at the Association for Student Conduct Administration International & Regional Conferences. Gary Kelly, Technical Lieutenant for Campus Sexual Assault Victims' Unit, NY State Police Gary Kelly is a thirty-year veteran with the New York State Police, currently assigned to oversee the NY State Police Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit (CSAVU) and the Special Victims Unit (SVU). In the dual role, Gary is responsible for managing the staff and work of CSAVU members across the state in their outreach to college and university campuses, and implementing a prevention education campaign and response training program. He is also responsible for managing the staff and work of the state police members assigned to the Special Victims Unit. He oversees the development and implementation of law enforcement training in the fields of child abuse, sexual offense investigations, elder abuse, and the state's AMBER Alert program. He is responsible for the management of New York State's AMBER Alert child abduction program. Gary has served on numerous task forces and committees, including the New York State Children's Justice Task Force, the Capital Region Sexual Assault Response Team, and the NYS Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team. He has more than nineteen years of field experience as an investigator, conducting investigations of child abuse, sexual assaults, and other felony offenses. Gary holds a Master's Degree from the State University of New York at Albany School of Criminal Justice and has instructed law enforcement and social service agencies for two decades. Katie Koestner, Executive Director, Campus Outreach Services Katie Koestner is a national expert on student safety and technology issues. She has appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine, The Oprah Winfrey Show, NBC Nightly News, CNBC Talk Live, CNN, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Later Today, MSNBC, Entertainment Tonight and other national television programs. She is the subject of an HBO movie and has lectured at over 2000 schools in North America. Her audiences have included the incoming classes at MIT, Brown University, West Point, the US Naval Academy, Amherst College, Williams College, the top 200 officers of the Department of Defense, and the American Association of School Administrators. In 2010, the US Ambassador to India invited Katie to keynote and lead a 19-day campaign in India to raise awareness about Violence Against Women. In 2011, Ms. Koestner's Foundation, Take Back The Night, was chosen by the TV Show, The Good Wife, as their charity of choice for their Celebrity Golf Tournament. The Girl Scouts of America selected Katie, Katie Couric and a handful of others as honored women to present for their 100th Anniversary Celebration. She has assisted the US Department of Education in developing and providing programs to women in high risk communities. Her testimony on Capitol Hill was instrumental in the passage of federal student safety legislation. In 2007, Coe College awarded her an honorary doctorate for her extensive work on student safety and public service. In 2015, the US Department of State chose Katie to work with a delegation of Chinese diplomates at the United Nations on strategies to reduce sexual and relationship violence. Alli Tombros Korman, Executive Director of Culture of Respect, NASPA Alli is Executive Director of Culture of Respect, an organization dedicated to ending campus sexual assault. Culture of Respect provides tools, including the CORE Blueprint, to aid all constituents at colleges and universities in their work to end sexual violence and restore the promise of higher education. In her role, Alli works to ensure that all higher education institutions, wherever they may be on the road to creating their own campus' culture of respect, have the resources they need to achieve this mission and the opportunity to learn from evidence-based research and the best practices of their colleagues. Alli brings to Culture of Respect more than ten years' experience in health policy, programming, and education with an emphasis on sexual and reproductive health and rights. She has provided management, support, and technical assistance to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and served as the Associate Director of Education for the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) in Washington, DC. Dr. Peter Langman, Psychologist, Author and School Safety Expert Dr. Peter Langman is the author of Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters and School Shooters: Understanding High School, College, and Adult Perpetrators. His research has been cited in congressional testimony on Capitol Hill and he has been interviewed over 300 times by media outlets around the world. After the Sandy Hook attack, the CEO of the American Psychological Association presented his recommendations on school safety to President Obama. He has presented at the FBI National Academy and been hired by Homeland Security. He maintains the largest online collection of materials relating to school shooters at Robb Monkman, Founder, React Mobile Robb Monkman was the victim of an armed robbery and hostage situation while in college. He nearly lost his life and feels lucky to be alive today. Out of his personal experience, Robb co-founded Reach Mobile. Presently, Robb serves as the CEO of the company. He has over a decade of marketing and management experience at multiple start-ups. Prior to launching React Mobile, Robb served as the Marketing Director for software startup marketing emergency communications software to the Department of Defense (DoD) and to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). With his current work, he is determined to develop a powerful personal safety platform to transform the way people call for help in emergencies and his team is making tomorrow a safer place. React Mobile is already helping people all over the world. Kevin Murphy, Director of Counseling, Elmira College Kevin Murphy is a New York State licensed clinical social worker with two decades of practice experience. He has been providing counseling at Elmira College Since 2008. Kevin holds a BS in Psychology from Elmira College, a Master's of Social Work from Marywood University, and a Doctorate in Leadership and Administration from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Kevin began his career providing individual and family therapy in the Foster Care system. Much of his early work was with teens mandated into residential placements. Over the course of his career Kevin has worked in a wide array of settings and with a highly diverse client base. His predominant area of clinical focus and expertise is in chronic stress, trauma, relationship building, and mood disorders. Kevin has also served as a college faculty at both the undergraduate and graduate level since 2005. He has worked as an adjunct in the graduate programs of the University of Buffalo, Binghamton University, and Temple University, and has held full time positions in the BSW programs of Mansfield University and Keuka College. He also facilitates trainings and organizational consultations, and has done so across the continental U.S. and in Western Europe. Jim Taylor, Partner, Saul Ewing James D. Taylor is Co-Chair of Saul Ewing's Higher Education Practice. He routinely represents colleges and universities nationwide, as well as K-12 education institutions, including charter schools. Jim has served as lead counsel in lawsuits brought by college and university students alleging a violation of Title IX, has provided training on Title IX and VAWA compliance, revised and been consulted on related policies and assisted institutions in responding to investigations by the Office for Civil Rights for the U.S. Department of Education. Jim has also been lead counsel on matters involving student death, hazing, assaults and student or student group (including fraternity and sorority) discipline. In his K-12 and charter school practice, in addition to providing general advice and compliance, including Title IX, Jim has advised education institutions in matters involving student disciplinary issues, allegations of discrimination, employment advice, and special education disputes.
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Orignal From: The School Policy Institute: Cyber and Sexual Misconduct for K-12 to Higher Education
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