Saturday, April 20, 2019

Garmin avionics game community software systems and strategies

Well, we live in a world where technology is constantly evolving, and as all Internet communications progress, it seems to be moving at a good, steady pace. Software and systems engineers use ideas from all walks of life to why not learn. Speaking of all these systems seem to blend well together, such as the online gaming community, and consider how they affect real-world simulation, virtual reality and augmented reality training.

A few days ago, I was talking to a computer hardware and expert gaming community think tank Tello Iraq Lyle, who was using the game community software training simulator and applied the same software to aircraft navigation, communications and data information attack missions. We note that Garmin will definitely be used for private and corporate aviation on the recent GTN 650 and GTN 750 systems. Also, when considering ways to improve uptime, continuous flow of related information, and ways to increase data transfer rates, it seems appropriate to reuse the large game community.

When using the GTN 650 or 750, it indicates that the system is always extracting information, which means that there should actually be no delay, "even if it only pulls the information for each "screen", the screen is filled, then the delayed account ," Troy said. Ok, but only relevant information, localized traffic, in this case, as well as weather radar information. Now, Troy asks;

I do feel strange because the system is put into use and the satellite must be launched to more aircraft. If this may not cause the satellite system to push the bottleneck of more information, unless the satellite only blanks the area with information, this may be a large Waste / third parties can receive information and track aircraft.

Now, isn't this the exact same challenge facing the gaming community? Of course, the data needs to be communicated to the user, the game can't be delayed, or the action stops or slows down, causing nuisance or continuity challenges. In games, security is not a problem, but in the real world, and the online gaming community has found a way to use it even in the case of excessive bandwidth load and large numbers of users.

So, I ask this question; is the online gaming community integrated into the real world? If so, it will survive, or they will only blur into one. Indeed, I hope that you can consider all of this and think about it.

Orignal From: Garmin avionics game community software systems and strategies

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