Sunday, April 28, 2019

Grandma, a short story

Grandma's eyes are warm and brown. Every child who looks at them will immediately feel protected and hidden.

Grandma baked a wonderful, delicious cake, and she was happy to give them to the children. Because she wants them to be healthy, she uses honey or maple syrup to sugar them, never adding sugar.

Grandma tells some beautiful stories about the stories of children who find fairy tales, and then live happily there, without the world's concerns.

Grandma always smells sweet, just like her baked cake. Everything on her body smells like skin, hair, and clothes. Children like that smell.

It is easy for children to find Grandma's house. All the children talked about the house is a safe place, forever, no one will beat you, everyone will be good to you. The children will be attracted by the warm, sweet smell and then follow it into the house. It seems that adults never noticed this smell, they ignored some of the beautiful old-fashioned houses covered by ivy because it was not new and modern.

At the grandmother's house is always very warm, because she has been baking cakes, and the aroma of firewood that Grandma uses in the big oven.

Grandma has a sharp tooth, sinking into the neck of a sleepy, fully-fed child, drinking blood. The children won't mind because the grandmother smells warm and warm, always taking care of them comfortably and safely.

Everyone lives a happy life, and after the grandmother, the children are shorter than this.

This story was first published in Serbia and published in several publications and in my short stories. from

Macji snovi

 . The English version was published by Bibliophilic Blather, author of Karen Wojcik Berner.

Orignal From: Grandma, a short story

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