This morning, I read a company that uses online auctions to deceive customers. Last week, I listed a moral complaint, in which a business coach betrayed the confidentiality of the client. Moreover, a recent doctor admitted the insider trading based on the patient's information, which violated business ethics and her professional ethics.
Business ethics is the key to profit. If customers and customers don't trust you and your business ethics, they won't do business with you. Will you buy from a company you don't trust? of course not!
Business ethics has become a hot topic. There are often moral conflicts between making money and doing the right thing. There may be difficulties in doing the best for the employer, what is best for your career, and what is best for the client. Business ethics is about negotiating these mines. The following are the ten principles of my positive business ethics:
1. Business ethics is based on personal ethics. Doing the right things in business, treating them fairly, and telling the truth, there is no real separation of morality in personal life.
2. Business ethics is based on fairness. An observer who is not interested will agree that both parties are treated fairly? Are the two sides negotiating in good faith? Is every transaction carried out in a "fair playing field"? If so, the basic principles of morality are being met.
3. Business ethics requires integrity. Integrity refers to integrity, reliability and consistency. Ethical companies treat people with respect, honesty and integrity. They support their commitment and they fulfill their commitments.
Business ethics requires telling the truth. The days when companies can sell flawed products and hide behind the "buyers beware" defense are long gone. You can sell limited or defective products or services, but not as a first-rate new product. The truth in advertising is not just law, but business ethics still needs it.
5. Business ethics require reliability. If your company is new, unstable, and will be sold or closed, ethics requires you to let customers and customers know this. You can rely on ethical companies to solve problems, answer questions and provide support.
6. Business ethics requires a business plan. The company's ethics is built on its own image and future vision and its role in the community. Business ethics does not happen in a vacuum. The clearer the company's growth, stability, profit and service plans, the stronger its commitment to ethical business practices.
7. Business ethics applies both internally and externally. Ethical companies treat customers and employees with respect and fairness. Ethics is about respect for conference rooms, negotiating in good faith, maintaining commitment and fulfilling commitments to employees, employers, suppliers and customers. The range is universal.
8. Business ethics requires profit. Ethical companies operate well, are well managed, have effective internal controls and clear growth expectations. Ethics is about how we live in the moment to prepare for the future. Profit-free businesses [or plans to create them] do not meet their ethical obligations and are prepared for the future well-being of companies, employees and customers.
9. Business ethics is based on values. Legal and professional organizations must develop inflexible and universal written standards. Although they may talk about "ethics," these documents are usually normative and refer to minimum standards. Morality is about values, ideals and aspirations. Ethical companies may not always live up to their ideas, but they are aware of their intentions.
10. Business ethics comes from the boss. Leadership sets the tone for every aspect of the business. Ethics is either the core of the way companies work, or not. Executives and managers are either ahead or they say they can accept cut corners, deception and disrespect. Line workers will always rise or sink to the level of performance they are modeling above. Business ethics begins at the highest level.
Morality is about the quality of our lives, the quality of our services, and the bottom line. An unsatisfied customer complained an average of 16 people. Treating employees, customers, suppliers and the public in a ethical, fair and open manner is not only correct, it is the only way to maintain business in the long run.
Orignal From: Ten principles of positive business ethics
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