Sunday, April 28, 2019

How to build lasting love in marriage

Do you want to have the last love in your marriage? This is of course the wish of many Christian couples, but many of their relationships are either struggling or collapse. This is not God's desire for any of his children. This article is designed to inspire you how to build lasting love in your marriage.

Love patients for a long time, kindness; love does not envy; love does not self-discipline, nor expand; does not rudely hide, does not seek oneself, does not provoke, does not think evil; do not rejoice for sin, but rejoice for truth; All things, believe in everything, hope everything, endure everything. Love will never fail. But if there is prophecy, they will fail... - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 [NKJV].

Marriage is a spiritual system, so it should not enter or follow in the flesh. You need God's help. Marriage is not just "I am willing", although it is part of the beginning. It is the combination of the spirit, soul and body of a woman and a man. That's why if you have a marriage and have sex with a prostitute, you will become one with her and harvest the consequences of it, the wrath of God.

For a last love in marriage, you must know to love yourself. God is love [1 John 4:8]! You know how much he decides how your love for your spouse will return. Your love for God determines how much you love your spouse. I am not talking about Eros [love body or sexual desire] or Philia [brother's love], although you need them in marriage. If love is what you want in marriage, then I am talking about Agape's love. You need to love your spouse with the love of God. It always passes the test of time. Others may fail, but not Agape's love.

God's love

The verses in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 describe what God's love is. This is how to love your spouse, no strings attached. This is the way Jesus loves us. When we are still sinners, he dies for us. God wants us to love our spouse as Jesus loves us. You want to love him or her, not because he or she loves you, but because you love God and you want to please him. Otherwise, if you think your spouse no longer loves you, you may give up on loving him.

What is next?

In marriage, this is not about what you get from your spouse or what he or she can give you; it's about what you can give him or her. Marriage is about how you can contribute to his or her life. God thought of marriage and set it up because he felt that Adam lacked something and he helped him. So, in marriage, you have to provide something that your spouse may lack. You should not let him or her provide what you are missing; this should not be your focus. In order to have the last love, you need to remember your responsibilities and believe that God helps your spouse to be a part of yourself.

The truth is, if you rely on your spouse to make you happy, you will be in trouble. He or she is not capable of doing this. Your happiness and happiness are in God. If he achieves this through your husband or wife, that would be great. But you must choose to rely solely on God for everything in your marriage. Choose to please God, you will always please your spouse, he or she will respond to you. Jesus, eager to please God, father, is always a blessing to the people.

Tomorrow, you can't love, you can't give up. You can give without love, but you will never love, nor will you give you: your time, energy and resources. Give life. God shows the meaning of love by giving his only son. Nothing else will be given to you. So learn to do your best to be your spouse.

In short, do you want to have lasting love in your marriage, then first know God [who is love] and follow his instructions, choose to please your spouse, put him or her in front of you, and give it in your relationship lifestyle. You will build a lasting love in your relationship.

Orignal From: How to build lasting love in marriage

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