Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Adapt to international exchanges of global business

E-commerce can be defined as "exchange using electronic transmission media [telecom], including the purchase and sale of products and services that require physical or digital transportation from one location to another." As expected, e-commerce requires digital transmission of transaction information. . Although transactions are made through electronic devices, they can be transported using traditional physical transport channels or digital mechanisms, such as downloading products from the Internet. It all depends on our order. If we buy software, we can download it from the internet, and the CD can be delivered by courier.

E-commerce is the use of electronic information technology for business transactions, such as displaying catalogs, selling and purchasing goods and services, processing, and payment. It speeds up the rhythm and rhythm of the business, minimizing the time interval between transactions and reducing intermediaries. While the initial cost of creating an infrastructure for e-commerce seems high, it has proven to be cost-effective in the long run. The direct link between producers and consumers can facilitate sales and can greatly reduce the time and money spent on printing, stationery, delivery, and the like.

The use of web-based e-commerce as a subset of Internet technology has recently increased significantly. Many companies that have established websites that are primarily company or brand identity or that publish information about their products are now also used for sales purposes. The number of Internet users has grown both at work and at home, so a large number of markets can be captured in this way. The online business is international and open 24 hours a day, 365 days.

Business-to-business e-commerce is growing faster than enterprise-to-consumer e-commerce because many well-known companies already have the necessary technology infrastructure. Given the fierce competition brought about by the growing advances in information technology, facilities that are not available may be available.

E-commerce takes place within commercial organizations. Linking constituents together and increasing the goal of information flow within the organization. Therefore, we see that e-commerce has three phases, sometimes between organizations, between retail and organization.

Although many technologies conform to the definition of e-commerce, the main ones are: -

  1. Email
  2. the Internet
  3. World wide web
  4. Bar code
  5. Product data exchange
  6. Electronic data exchange
  7. Spreadsheets

It has been pointed out that "global companies are faced with the challenge of leveraging the business benefits of the network while minimizing operational risk and its bottom line." The security of data transmitted over the Internet is a topic of serious concern to businesses around the world. In a survey of nearly 1,600 information technology professionals from 50 countries, 73% reported some security breaches or corporate espionage in just one year.

Orignal From: Adapt to international exchanges of global business

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