Getting a new dog is a very exciting time, however, it is pretty much like having a newborn baby at home. There is a lot involved when you first get a dog. Sometimes, it could feel a little bit overwhelming. However, the tips you will find in this article will help get you on your way to an obedient little dog.
When you are training your new dog or puppy that will be living indoors a good thing to do is the crate training. The dogs first impressions of the crate are the most important. Try putting some dog treats around the crate and leading into it so that they can walk around and inside the crate. Make sure that you are positive and upbeat so that they know it's a good thing.
Create a regular schedule for your dog. Make sure his meals are at the same time each day, and walk him morning and night. Try to take him out for toilet breaks using a consistent routine. Dogs tend to thrive when they have a schedule that they can follow.
While training your dog, observe his body language and general behavior closely. Look for signs of enthusiasm. Is his tail wagging? Does he follow you around? This shows he's ready to learn. If you see your dog is scared, bored or nervous, stop what you are doing and reevaluate.
Feed your dog consistent amounts at approximately the same time every day. This is particularly important during the house training phase of pet ownership. This allows the dog to establish a regular elimination pattern and the discerning owner can use that pattern to their advantage in speedily training their pet.
When training your dog, use the dog's name when you want their attention. This ensures that you will have good verbal control when you go outside your home, and good verbal control is absolutely vital to responsible pet ownership. Never call your dog to you in order to dish out punishment, as this will create a negative connection.
After each training session, spend a few minutes playing your dogs favorite game with him. If you do this every time, your dog will know it's coming after the training sessions and will be excited when it comes time for your daily session. The more excited he is, the better he'll do.
Teach your pet the proper way to walk on a leash. The safety of both of you while out walking is paramount, and the proper training will ensure this.
If your dog suffers from separation anxiety and gets restless when you are about to leave the house, you should feed your dog right before you leave. This will keep your dog busy while you prepare and distract it from the stressful situation. This should make the separation much easier.
To put a halt on barking, teach your pup to obey a basic command. The next time your dog barks, let him see a treat and give the order for him to be quiet; repeat this until your dog stops barking. Only give them the treat when they obey the command. Once you have diligently used this training method, your dog starts to link the tasty treat with the desired behavior and its corresponding command.
If you want to train your dog, you should wait until it is at least six weeks old. A younger dog will not understand what you are expecting, and not be able to control itself enough to obey your commands. The first weeks of your puppy's life should be about creating a bond with you.
Dog training is an activity that needs to be done frequently. When trying to teach a dog a new behavior one needs to be repetitive. By frequently demonstrating the proper activity or saying the command word it will help the dog learn it. The repetition will facilitate learning of new behaviors for the dog.
When you begin training your dog, do not give him a treat or reward just to make him stop misbehaving. This makes the dog feel like he holds the control. This includes things like treating to avoid barking.
Your dog will benefit from a solid exercise routine. Hyperactive dogs are often full of energy they have not spent elsewhere. Exercising your dog prior to training sessions will increase his attention span. Better yet, he'll be calmer at home and less likely to react poorly to external stimulus.
Every interaction, moment and situation is a learning experience for your dog. While you can't control the environment around you, you can control how you react with your dog. Keep a composed demeanor when you're working with your dog, and try not to intimidate him, even when you're frustrated or upset.
When thinking about barking, stay aware of activities or the environment when the dog is barking too much. If you know why you can stop it. For example, if your dog only barks excessively when visitors enter your home, enlist a friend to come over to help you address the behavior, at the time of the trigger event.
Research how to show your dog leadership in a way that a dog understands. Dogs are not humans, and do not think as humans do. Not knowing the proper way to teach leadership to a dog, allows him to assume he is your leader. If you confuse the dog, it may stress him and cause him to act out in negative ways such as barking incessantly, biting, or tearing up your property.
A common misconception in dog training is that you should punish bad behavior. If you punish bad behavior, you are actually reinforcing that behavior. You strong reaction will imprint whatever the dog has just done on its mind. Instead, ignore bad behavior, redirect to some good behavior and then reward that.
After reading this article, you can see that it is possible to have a dog that is both adorable and obedient. With just a little bit of persistence, as well as, the suggestions given in this article, you will have a dog that you can be proud of before you know it.
Orignal From: Start Training Your Dog Today With This Great Advice
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