Wednesday, May 8, 2019

My handmade wedding invitation business - how to start a

Everyone wants to know how I built my handmade wedding invitation business. It's really not that hard. Anyone can do it. All you need is a little art and imagination. Now they have all the neat things in the craft shop, you don't even have to own it.

Have you seen all the beautiful newspapers they have now? When I first started, you could choose white, light brown, and maybe some soft colors. If you want them to have any floral designs or patterns, you have to do it yourself. But when it comes to wedding invitations, you have to be very precise and accurate. No one wants a wedding invitation with a paint, the more "shops buy" they look better. Even if it is an original design, it still has to look professional.

But now you can get a variety of beautiful papers. Floral pattern with stripes and polka dots. There are also some of the most amazing colors. The days of those peaches or lavenders are long gone! Another thing that helps my design business is the increasing popularity of scrapbooks. Many people now use this as a hobby, and manufacturers who manufacture these products have created hundreds of decorations for scrapbooks that are perfect for wedding invitations and stationery.

No matter what theme the bride party looks for, you can find useful things in the clipboard at the local craft shop. A few weeks ago I was asked to make a beach theme for their wedding stationery. I found the most beautiful decorations in the craft shop. They have these small pearl shells that perfectly match the soft shell pattern paper they have. I also found a lovely sandpaper for inserting and finished with a natural raffia bow. They are very beautiful! The bride likes them!

The computer also has a lot of help. Years ago, when I first started, the only choice I had for lettering on the invitation was calligraphy. Can you imagine? ! Hand lettering invitations is a very time consuming process, even if you know what you are doing. But now, I can let the bride sit next to me because we have chosen the font style of her invitation, and I can even print our samples for her help decision. In the blink of an eye, I can print out all the inserts I need without lifting the calligraphy pen.

Of course, I make sure to fill out all the invitations so I can put them into my portfolio. I have asked me to keep looking at the samples. This is natural. No one can see them first and no one buys wedding invitations. So you see, it's easy to create a handmade wedding invitation business now!

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